👨🏾‍🏫 Training of Ambassadors for Peace from the Communes of Abidjan👨🏾‍🎓

On Saturday, March 16, 2024, an essential training session was organized for the Ambassadors for Peace from the communes of Abidjan

Training of Ambassadors for Peace from the Communes of Abidjan

Family picture at the end of the training with Ambassadors for Peace and UPF CI staff

On Saturday, March 16, 2024, an essential training session was organized for the Ambassadors for Peace from the communes of Abidjan. The event was held at the headquarters of the PCA of RTI from 10 AM to 4 PM, bringing together eleven Ambassadors for Peace, including two presidents of regional peace councils and nine of their members.

Training Modules

The training comprised four key modules. The first module, "Introduction to the Life of the Founders," presented by Mrs. Elias, General Technical Advisor to the Chairman, provided a crucial overview of the lives of the founders of the Universal Peace Federation. This was followed by the second module, "Vision for Peace: Ideal of Peace: One Human Family Under God," also presented by Mrs. Elias. This session explored the ideal of universal peace, describing a vision of one human family united under God.

The third module, "Causes of the Destruction of the Ideal of Peace, Source and Consequences of Human Conflicts," was presented by Elder Likane Gabriel. It addressed the roots of human conflicts and why the ideal of peace is often compromised. The final module, "The Family: School of Love and Peace," was presented by H.E. Kouakou Kouablan, National Secretary General of UPF CI, emphasizing the importance of the family as the foundation for love and peace.

Certificate Presentation

The training concluded with a certificate presentation ceremony, presided over by the Chairman of UPF CI, H.E. Aka Sayé Lazare, recognizing the participants for their commitment and active participation.

This training day was a crucial step in strengthening the skills and vision of the Ambassadors for Peace, equipping them better to promote peace and harmony in their respective communities.

World peace must develop from inner peace. Peace is not just mere absence of violence. Peace is, I think, the manifestation of human compassion”

Dalai Lama XIV

Meeting with the Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, University of Nairobi

On a significant occasion at the University of Nairobi, Prof. Patrick Nyabul, Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, welcomed Rev. Frederick Wakhisi, Secretary General of UPF Kenya, for a noteworthy event focused on the donation of books and literature on the Unification movement and its founders.

Rev. Frederick Wakhisi generously donated several important works, including "Exposition of the Divine Principle," "Character Counts: A Life of Hyojeong – University," and a dozen books on Father Moon. This donation aims to enrich the university's resources and provide valuable insights into the Unification movement.

The University of Nairobi, a secular institution of higher learning, is actively engaging with various religious groups to include them in its academic units of study.

Previously, the Unification movement was categorized among new religious movements. There is now hope and aspiration that the Unification movement could be studied as a course unit within the university.

During the meeting, it was suggested that the department sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with a Unification Church-related institute. This meeting laid the groundwork for establishing this MOU in the near future, marking a potential milestone in the academic integration of the Unification movement.

This collaboration signifies a step forward in broadening the academic horizons of the University of Nairobi, fostering a deeper understanding of diverse religious perspectives.

UPF Delegation Visits Ambassadors for Peace during Ramadan

On April 9, 2024, a delegation from the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) consisting of Secretary General Thomas Diarra and Public Relations Officer Buanga Ngoma conducted a tour to pay courtesy visits to the families of Ambassadors for Peace. These visits aimed to congratulate and encourage them for their dedication during the Ramadan fast and to thank them for their efforts in promoting peace and their commitment to UPF.

During the visits, the UPF delegation offered sugar to the families visited as a gesture of goodwill and support.

Visit to the Chief of Bobos Mandarin

On April 13, 2024, the UPF regional staff of Hauts Bassins paid a courtesy visit to the Chief of Canton of Bobos Madarin, who is also an Ambassador of Peace. They were accompanied by Ambassador of Peace Nestor Koama, CEO of IKS-Edition-Printing Group. During the visit, they requested the Chief's co-sponsorship with UPF for the activities of the Group planned during National Culture Week, a biennial event scheduled from April 27 to May 4, 2024. The visit concluded with a family photo.

Prayer for the Success of the National Culture Week Activities

The delegation and all involved parties prayed for the success of the activities planned for the National Culture Week, emphasizing their commitment to promoting cultural heritage and unity.

Association of Happy Couples of Angola (ACFA) and Universal Peace Federation (UPF) Event

On April 19, 2024, the Association of Happy Couples of Angola (ACFA), in partnership with the Luanda Provincial Government, the Viana Municipal Administration, various religious institutions, and other philanthropic associations, organized the 2nd Lecture on Community Education (Social Moralisation). This event took place at the Temple of the Fanuel Pentecostal Church in the district of Viana Sede.

The event saw participation from prominent figures including H.E. Mr. Kinambuta Sambu Pedro, Co-Chairman of the Universal Peace Federation in Angola, and the Honourable Anil Rafael, representing H.E. President José Gombo of Jucarente. Also present were Municipal Directorates of ACFA from various Municipal Delegations, leaders of different religious denominations, representatives from other philanthropic associations, and members of civil society.

During the event, two significant themes were addressed. The first, "The Role of Civil Society Organisations in Promoting Family Peace," was presented by Rev. Kinambuta Sambu Pedro from the UPF.

The second, "The Gains of Peace and Its Opportunities for Communities," was presented by Mr. Evaristo Floriano from ACFA.

Dr. Diogo João, President and Founder of ACFA, highlighted the importance of peace in providing citizens the freedom to move about freely. He emphasized the need for dedication to projects aimed at reducing hunger and unemployment in families.

The event was well-attended, with a total of 304 participants, including 196 women and 108 men. Participants were informed about the upcoming cleaning campaign scheduled for April 20 in Kilamba Kiaxi, and a blood donation campaign set for April 26.

The initiative received unanimous support from the participants, who recommended intensifying gender talks in all neighborhoods. This collaborative effort underscores the commitment of ACFA and UPF to fostering community education and promoting peace and social well-being.

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