🧑🏽‍🏫 Special Youth Training For Reintegration And Sustainable Peace In Borno State

Universal Peace Federation and Peace Ambassadors Center for Humanitarian Aid and Empowerment organized, “Special Youth Training For Reintegration And Sustainable Peace In Borno State“


We are all aware that the issue of insecurity and violent criminal and terrorist activities including Boko Haram have caused incalculable suffering, pain, and hopelessness in quite some parts of the country, especially in some Northern parts of the country including Borno State. As other organizations including the governments have been deeply worried, UPF has been quite concerned also and has been making an effort to contribute to alleviating the suffering of the citizens. The UPF Ambassadors for Peace have been working with other concerned bodies to support the State Government in its peace advocacy.

On March 1, the Universal Peace Federation and Peace Ambassadors Center for Humanitarian Aid and Empowerment in partnership with the Borno State Government and the British Council worked together and organized, “Special Youth Training For Reintegration And Sustainable Peace In Borno State: “Together We Shall Build Borno Back Better,” with 100 individuals (Youth Activists) awarded a certificate as Peace Advocates in Borno State. The certificates were awarded by the – Universal Peace Federation (UPF) and the Peace Ambassadors Center for Humanitarian Aid (PACHI). The awardees were selected because they exemplify the UPF principle of living for the sake of others and dedicate themselves to practices that promote peace and universal moral values.


IAPD Benin with Rev George Ogurie and SG UPF Benin

After visiting Togo, Ghana, and Côte d'Ivoire, the IAPD Africa Regional Coordinator's tour arrived in Benin, where the nation had the honor of hosting a meeting of IAPD religious leaders with the Regional Coordinator on Saturday, March 30, 2024. The meeting, held at the headquarters of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, focused on two key points:

1- Revisiting Previous Meetings: Participants reviewed images and memories from the meetings in other nations visited during the tour, reflecting on the progress made and the connections established.

2- Update on Registration: There was an update on the registration progress of IAPD-Africa with the African Union authorities, highlighting the importance of formalizing the organization's presence and activities within the region.

The meeting concluded with a warm gathering for family photos, symbolizing the unity and solidarity among the participants in their shared mission for peace and harmony in Africa.

A good leader has a responsibility to God for his or her position and actions since leadership is ordained only by the omnipresent God himself ”

Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, Former President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

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