🌍🏳️ Peace Road 2024 held in Kenya

The Peace Road 2024 event took place in Nairobi, Kenya, on April 7, 2024, spanning from Sri Gurdwara South C to Gurdwara Landmawe. The event was attended by VVIPs, Sikh community elders, Ambassadors for Peace, and a crowd of approximately 1,500 participants.

Peace Road 2024 in Kenya

The Peace Road 2024 event took place in Nairobi, Kenya, on April 7, 2024, spanning from Sri Gurdwara South C to Gurdwara Landmawe. The event was attended by VVIPs, Sikh community elders, Ambassadors for Peace, and a crowd of approximately 1,500 participants.

Key Highlights

The Peace Road event also featured the keertan (village hymns), a significant aspect of the Sikh community's traditions. During the event, water was poured on the road by a water bowser, and the faithful followed barefoot, cleaning and sweeping the road with brooms. This practice is an annual event on the Sikh community calendar, and for some time, the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) has been a principal partner in the event.

The event was highly successful and received extensive coverage from local media, Sikh community media, and social media. This widespread coverage helped highlight the collaborative efforts between the Sikh community and UPF, emphasizing the importance of peace and community service.

The Peace Road 2024 event once again demonstrated the power of unity and collective action in promoting peace and harmony within the community.

Delegation of the Universal Peace Federation Meets with His Holiness Bishop Afonso Nunes

During the visit to Angola of Regional President of FFWPU Rev. Jean Pierre Kadima, a delegation from the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) in Angola paid a courtesy visit to His Holiness Bishop Afonso Nunes, Spiritual Leader of the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the World "Os Tocoísta" and Ambassador for Peace of UPF Angola.

The meeting provided an opportunity to review the ongoing collaboration between the organizations and discuss UPF Africa's partnership initiatives with the African Union, including a major activity scheduled for 2025. Regional President Kadima extended invitations to His Holiness Bishop Afonso Nunes to participate in upcoming programs and events organized by UPF Africa and UPF International, to which Bishop Afonso Nunes expressed his willingness to contribute, as always.

Regional President Jean Pierre Kadima was also interviewed by Tocoist Church Television during his visit.

In a gesture of hospitality, Bishop Afonso Nunes concluded the meeting by offering coffee to the visiting delegation.

Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace.”

― Buddha

UPF Ghana Workshop Highlights - May 2024

On Tuesday, May 28th, 2024, UPF Ghana convened a significant workshop at the FFWPU Training Center located at Spot 'M', Ofankor Barrier. The focus of the workshop was to engage Ambassadors for Peace and address key strategic initiatives.

The session commenced with a video presentation highlighting past UPF and World/Africa Summits, aiming to align participants with the organization's global vision. Secretary General Dr. Helen Osei provided insights into UPF's Vision & Mission, reviewed the 2027 "Action Plan," and introduced new membership structures introduced by UPF Africa Leadership in late 2023.

Following these presentations, a lively discussion ensued, allowing participants to express concerns and suggestions, particularly on strategies to motivate inactive members and increase participation. Dr. Osei emphasized the importance of member engagement and urged attendees to actively recruit new members to achieve the goal of launching all 9 Associations in Ghana by 2025.

Hon. Frank Fuseini Adongo, Chairman, expressed gratitude to attendees for their commitment and proposed reconvening to further develop the ideas generated during the workshop. The event concluded with a prayer at 2:00 pm, attended by a dedicated group of nine members.

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