🏃🏾🏳️ "Peace Begins with Me" March Held in Zambia

The Universal Peace Federation Zambia chapter (UPF) in collaboration with UPF-affiliated such as AIPD, WCLC, IMAP, FFWPU, WFWP, IAYSP), Tongil Moodo Federation Zambia (TIMDFZ) as well as support from Sons and Daughters Ministries, Jewish Board of Deputies, Chikondi Foundation and Big Tree company held Peace Road 2024 on August 24, 2024, under the theme: “Peace Starts with Me”

"Peace Begins with Me" March Held in Zambia

More than 250 people from different backgrounds, including Christians, Moslems, Orthodox Church, and Miss Peace Zambia, participated.

The participants, representing 19 nationalities, marched from the Civic Centre to the Freedom Statue, a distance of about 2 kilometers (almost 1.25 miles). The statue is depicted on the Zambian currency and is the center of celebration on Africa Day. The statue is said to represent a scene in which freedom fighter Zanco Mpundu Mutembo broke the chains he was imprisoned in in front of 18 soldiers, after being told to do so if not be shot.

The Minister of Lusaka Province, Hon. Sheal Mulyata, was the guest of honor, His Emminence Archbishop Loannis Tsaftaridis, Orthodox Church of Zambia and Mozambique, Greek diplomat in Zambia who is also the founder and creator of the Zambia/ Mozambique Olympic Organizing Committee; Rev. Rudolf Faerber, the secretary general of UPF-Zambia; Dr. Bishop David Masupa, President of Independent Churches of Zambia (ICOZ) and Chair of Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD) Zambia and Professor Kaluba Kapapula, Vice-chancellor at Rise and shine Christian University,  Rev. Dr. Samukuma Atlas Kamwandi, Deputy Secretary General of WCLC Zambia.

Hon. Mulyata flagged off Peace Road at 11:00 am starting from Civic Center. After 2 kilometers, the marchers arrived at the… Read more.

Peace Road 2024 Togo: A Celebration of Peace in Challenging Times

The program began with a symbolic peace walk that led the participants into the conference hall. A welcome speech was delivered by the representative of the Mayor, followed by a presentation on the context and objectives of Peace Road by the Secretary General of UPF, which emphasized the vision of the founders. An Ambassador for Peace then briefly introduced UPF and its mission.

A significant moment of the event was the nomination of five... Read more.

São Tomé and Príncipe Hold the Peace Road March

In collaboration with the International Association of Youth and Students for Peace (IAYSP), UPF organized the Peace Road March in São Tomé e Príncipe. The event also marked the opening ceremony for the Youth Holiday Camp in São Tomé, attracting the participation of various national leaders and dignitaries.

Despite the Parliamentary recess, several authorities were invited, including members of Parliament, the Minister of Education, and the Minister of Youth and Sports. Similarly, despite an unexpected commitment 30 minutes before the event, the Minister of Youth and Sports sent her representative to join the ceremony.

The event began with the national anthem, followed by the Peace Anthem, setting a solemn tone. A short cultural performance by the youth added color to the start of the program.

The opening address was delivered by the Secretary of Parliamentary Sessions, who. Read More.

We need to teach our young people to become a new “generation of peace,” not war, not conflict, a generation that practices compassion and service to others..

 H.E. U. Joy Ogwu, Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the United Nations

UPF Nigeria organizes 2024 Global Peace Road and the Commemoration of the UN International Day for Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief

On August 22, 2024, the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) Nigeria held the Peace Road 2024 event in Abuja. This event also marked the UPF Founder’s Day and the UN International Day Commemorating the Victims of Violence Based on Religion or Belief. Over 110 participants attended, including religious leaders, government officials, and members of civil society.

The program began with opening remarks by Professor Joseph P. Golwa, former Director General of the Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution. He welcomed the participants and emphasized the importance of unity and peace in Nigeria, especially during difficult times.

Rev. George M. Ogurie, UPF Subregional Director, delivered a keynote speech focused on creating an environment for peace and development. He highlighted how the Peace Road initiative aims to foster global unity and reduce conflicts by encouraging dialogue and cooperation.

Amb. Dr. Simeon Uwa presented the speech of UPF Founder, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, titled “Religion and the Creation of World Peace.” The speech reinforced the importance of religious tolerance and collaboration for global peace.

Three notable individuals were recognized for their efforts in promoting peace and were honored as Ambassadors for Peace. After the indoor session, participants took part in a 500-meter peace walk around Merit House, symbolizing their commitment to peace. Even though there was heavy rain, the walk proceeded with participants displaying strong support for the cause.

UPF Nigeria worked closely with the Federal Police and other security agencies to ensure the event was held safely. Special thanks were extended to the Ambassadors for Peace and security officials for their contributions in making the event successful.

The Peace Road 2024 event in Nigeria highlighted the importance of peace, unity, and religious tolerance. Despite facing difficulties, the event was a success, thanks to the dedication of the organizers, participants, and partners. It was a significant step toward fostering peace and understanding in Nigeria and beyond.

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