👨🏾‍🏫 Monthly Peace Ambassadors Conferences in Sao Tome

In anticipation of potential nominations for Peace Ambassadors, a series of monthly educational conferences have been initiated.

Monthly Peace Ambassadors Conferences in Sao Tome

In anticipation of potential nominations for Peace Ambassadors, a series of monthly educational conferences have been initiated. The latest conference, held on June 8th, was the second in the series, titled "Towards a Global Village: The Need for Vision and Good Governance." The sub-theme for this session was "Interdependence, Mutual Cooperation, and Universal Values," presented by international speaker Michel Futila.

Presentation Highlights:

Michel Futila's presentation traced the history of various reforms across different eras, highlighting that reforms often face resistance from those in power but eventually take root despite such opposition. He drew parallels with historical events, such as the persecution of Christian doctrine by the Roman Empire and the subsequent rise of the papacy during the Middle Ages. He also discussed Martin Luther's Reformation, which challenged the corruption within the clergy and led to significant religious reforms.

Futila emphasized that the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) and its founders are striving to create a world of peace and love, envisioning humanity as one global family under God. A Q&A session followed, where participants raised questions about the relevance of these themes in society and UPF's plans for the country. Futila responded that UPF is at the beginning of its educational programs and aims to gradually develop São Tomé as a model nation.

Second Presentation:

After a coffee break, the second speaker, Peace Ambassador and UPF Secretary General Taty Ntoko, addressed the causes and resolution of conflicts, revisiting the theme from the previous conference on the role and mission of Peace Ambassadors. Ntoko highlighted that conflicts originate within individuals due to the inherent contradiction between spirit and body, referencing St. Paul's lamentations in Romans 7:22-24. He urged participants to combat selfishness, arrogance, exploitation, and corruption with true love, tolerance, forgiveness, humility, and a spirit of living for others.


Due to delays caused by participant arrivals, the conference concluded with a group photo inside the building. The event saw the participation of 18 individuals from various sectors, including parliamentarians, religious leaders, police officers, media representatives, businesspeople, lawyers, a political party president, an international official, and a former mayor.

This report highlights the commitment to educating and preparing future Peace Ambassadors, fostering a vision of global unity and good governance.

Weeding at Pissy Medical Center

On Saturday, June 29, 2024, the FPU-BF formed a volunteer team with the Women's Federation for a service for peace. This activity, initiated by the Women's Federation, involved weeding the Medical Center in the Pissy neighborhood of Ouagadougou. The participation of the FPU-BF aimed to support and encourage the FFPM-BF. The head of the Medical Center expressed gratitude to the team and acknowledged the importance of this activity, which helps reduce mosquitoes and other insects that cause many diseases.

If you cannot conquer yourself first, control yourself, you will never have any real power over others

H.E. Gabriel Messan Agbeyome Kodjo, former Prime Minister of Togo (2000-2002)

Preparatory Meeting for FPU-Burkina Faso Bureau Renewal

In preparation for the renewal of the FPU-BF bureau, the founding members held a preparatory meeting to organize a general assembly with the Ambassadors for Peace. The purpose was to set a date and propose a list of new bureau members. During this meeting, names were proposed for the presidential council, the general secretariat, and the national peace council. The FPU-BF Secretary-General also presented the request for organization.

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