
Urgent Appeal to Save UPF, FFWPU, and WFWP in Japan

Dear Ambassadors for Peace and UPF Associates,

We hope this message finds you in good health and spirits. We are writing to bring to your attention a critical and time-sensitive matter that requires your immediate support and action.

A Critical Moment for UPF, FFWPU, and WFWP in Japan

As many of you may be aware, Japan is currently facing a pivotal moment in the life of organizations we hold dear: Universal Peace Federation (UPF), Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU), and Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP). This situation is intricately linked to the passing of the late Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

The Connection to the Late Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

In the wake of the recent passing of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the leadership in Japan is considering a significant decision that directly affects the existence of UPF, FFWPU, and WFWP in the country. The official announcement of this decision is scheduled for October 12.

This decision is of paramount importance and has the potential to impact the valuable work and contributions made by UPF, FFWPU, and WFWP in Japan, as well as their global reach. It is imperative that we unite and take action to preserve the legacy of these organizations.

How You Can Help

We kindly request your support and involvement in this critical endeavor. We urge you to:

Sign the Petition: We have initiated a petition to demonstrate the widespread support for preserving UPF, FFWPU, and WFWP in Japan. Please sign the petition by clicking on the button below

Deadline for Action: October 11, 2023

Time is of the essence. We kindly ask that you complete the action of signing the petition by October 11, 2023. Your involvement in this effort is essential in helping us demonstrate the global support for maintaining these organizations in Japan.

Together, We Can Make a Difference

We firmly believe in the power of unity, peace, and the ability of individuals to make a significant impact. Together, we can make a difference and help preserve the vital work of UPF, FFWPU, and WFWP in Japan.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication to the cause of peace. We look forward to seeing your support and positive contributions.

With warm regards,

UPF Africa!

Public Relation Department!


or to participate.