🫱🏾‍🫲🏽 Ambassador Adama Doumbia, UPF Africa Co-Chair, visits Malawi

A Significant Opportunity to Engage with Malawi's Leadership and Further UPF's Values and Initiatives


From May 28 to June 2, 2024, UPF Africa Co-Chair, Ambassador Adama Doumbia, embarked on an important mission to Malawi. This visit was a significant opportunity to engage with Malawi's leadership and further the values and initiatives of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF). The warm reception from President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera and other Malawian officials highlighted the country's readiness to collaborate with UPF.

Upon his arrival in Lilongwe, Ambassador Doumbia was received by President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera. The meeting underscored the strong potential for Malawi to align with the ideals of Cheon Il Guk. Ambassador Doumbia extended congratulations from Mother Moon and Dr. Yang on President Chakwera's election four years ago, thanked the First Lady of Malawi for attending the UPF Summit 2023 in Korea, and expressed sympathy for the recent natural disasters faced by the country.

Discussions centered on the UPF Africa Peace Initiative, particularly the "Good Citizenship and Peace Education Project." Ambassador Doumbia emphasized the desire to implement this initiative in collaboration with the Malawian government.

The conversation also touched on issues of religious freedom, highlighting Malawi's exemplary coexistence and cooperation among different religions, in contrast to other parts of the world where such freedoms are under threat.

President Chakwera reciprocated the greetings and expressed his appreciation for the shared values between UPF's founders and his own beliefs. He thanked UPF for the hospitality extended to First Lady Monika Chakwera during her visit to Korea and appreciated the terms "Heavenly Parent" and "Aju" used in the discussions. He also referred to Mother Moon as "The Mother of Peace" with respect and promised to review the documents presented by UPF.

The meeting was marked by a spiritual tone, beginning and ending with prayers led by Rev. Emmanuel Chikwinta-Phiri, Chair of UPF Malawi, and Ambassador Doumbia, at the request of Rev. Brian Kamwendo, a special advisor to the President and an enthusiastic Ambassador for Peace.


UPF Africa SG Paterne Zinsou, H.E Rui Duarte de Barros, PM of Guinea Bissau, H.E Dr Ali Hijazy, Minister of Administration and AfP, Mario Ca, SG of UPF Guinea Bissau.

Dr. Paterne Zinsou, our Regional Secretary General, visited Guinea-Bissau on May 8-13, 2024, where he was warmly received by His Excellency Rui Duarte de Barros, the Prime Minister who was introduced to UPF and its founders for the first time. But it is fair to say that Guinea-Bissau has been a steadfast supporter of UPF and its founders since 2006, when Dr Francisco Benante, then President of the People’s National Assembly, attended the opening of Cheong Jeong Gung on June 13, 2006. Furthermore, sitting President Serifo Nhamadjo led a large delegation, including three government ministers, to the UPF Summit in Korea in 2007.

Dr. Zinsou also visited São Tomé and Príncipe from May 14 to May 19, where he engaged with the President of Sao Tome and the Prime Minister to discuss future UPF projects in the country.


If you cannot conquer yourself first, control yourself, you will never have any real power over others”

H.E. Gabriel Messan Agbeyome Kodjo, former Prime Minister of Togo (2000-2002)

World Christian Leadership Conference: "A True Family Movement for World Peace: Africa"

On June 26, 2024, at 8 PM GMT, the World Christian Leadership Conference took place online hosted by Africa under the theme "A True Family Movement for World Peace: Africa."

The event began under the guidance of Rev. George Ogurie, the Regional Coordinator of IAPD Africa, who served as the Master of Ceremonies. Bishop Dr. Joyce Owusu opened the event with a profound prayer, inviting the presence of God.

Dr. Ki Hoon Kim, Chairman of WCLC and Senior Pastor at Las Vegas Family Church, delivered the welcoming message. He shared how their daily devotions include reading the memoirs of True Mother, who frequently spoke about Africa. Dr. Kim expressed his warm feelings when reading about the investments Africans are making for the cause of God and True Mother. He concluded by welcoming all participants.

Dr. Kathy Rigney, Co-Chairman of UPF Africa, also addressed the conference. Dr. Rigney presented the various activities that have taken place in Africa over the past years under the guidance of True Mother. She conveyed the heart of the Mother of Peace in her work for peace in Africa. Her moving presentation helped participants understand the love of the Mother of Peace for Africa and for humanity as a whole.

Following Dr. Rigney, Imboni Dr. Uzwi-Lezwe Radebe, Chairman of IAPD Africa and founder of The Revelation Spiritual Home, shared his insights. He spoke about the family structure in Africa and the value of family, stating that "family creates a sense of stability and, most importantly, it creates unity." He emphasized the need to educate the younger generation about the importance of family to ensure that these values are upheld.

Archbishop Johannes Ndanga, the representative of WCLC Africa, then contributed to the conference. He began by acknowledging all the organizations that work together with Mother Moon for peace. He remarked that it is God's plan for a woman to lead the world towards peace, noting how God has historically used women to establish His work. He concluded by urging WCLC to be more tolerant, democratic, and inclusive of everyone, every religion, and the concept of Universal Peace Federation.

The closing prayer was offered by Bishop David Masupa, Chairman of IAPD Zambia and founder and president of the Independent Churches of Zambia.

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